Just For Fun - "Creme de la Woof"
During one of our walks, Vega took Daddy aside and said; "Mommy is doing great stuff, but we need something more for the boys." We had further discussions, formulated a plan, and decided to expand the Creme de la Woof Line. The line started with the Doggie Shampoo. Which was a little selfish on Vega's part, but he has decided to lend his magical formulating skills to some additional products. Vega is very proud of his Dad's service and all the many others that have put their life on the line for our great country. He has collaborated with Mommy and Daddy to expand the Creme de la Woof line and make it our "Just for Fun" Collection. We are excited to have his input on all these amazing products and we hope you will enjoy them as much as we do.