Vegetable, Cucumber, Mexican Sour Gherkin - Melothria scabra
Creme de la Crop

Vegetable, Cucumber, Mexican Sour Gherkin - Melothria scabra

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Native to Mexico and Central America and a staple in diets there since pre-Columbian times.

Wimpy seedlings grow into rampant yet delicate scrambling vines covered with dozens of 1" green and white fruit that look like miniature watermelons but taste more like cucumbers, with a crunchy texture and a slight sour zing as if they were already pickled. Botanically neither cucumber nor watermelon and won’t cross with either. They don’t bruise and they keep for a long time.

Slightly more cold-tolerant than cukes, and more drought-resistant. 10' vines benefit from a fence or trellis.

Days to Maturity:  -